Demyelinating Diseases | Neurology Case Study | V-Learning |

Good news. Well it is bad news actually. Because seeing someone suffering from a disease is not something to be happy at. But, But, But, it is actually a good news for medical students, general physicians, and professionals.

Lecture Duration – 00:39:18
Release Date – March 2020

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We at have uncovered a case study which you might have experienced in your career earlier and did not know the answer or will encounter such patient soon. The case study talks about a patient named Mateo who has undergone lower extremity weakness.

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After looking into the other clinical features that Mateo has presented, the question arises about the right diagnosis.

You will find the answer of the case study in the full-length lecture on Demyelinating Diseases at under Neurology Medicine course.

Neurology Medicine Lectures Collection –
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